Categorie: Industria Tech

Alfa Romeo Stelvio Quadrifoglio: the new official video “The best of the Dubai International Media Drive”

Today Alfa Romeo has released a new official video on its Youtube channel dedicated to the new Alfa Romeo Stelvio Quadrifoglio, one of the latest new entries of the Italian company on the market. This video, named “The best of the Dubai International Media Drive” summarizes the first media test drive with the new Stelvio Quadrifoglio that took place in Dubai, in a setting that is really impressive as shown in the video.

Here is the video. Enjoy!

We would like to remind you that recently the new Alfa Romeo Stelvio Quadrifoglio made its debut on the market. For all the fans and collectors who are interested in the sporty version of the Alfa Romeo SUV, we would like to announce the debut of the special version NRING during the Geneva Motor Show, featuring the particular Gray Circuito livery, which was created to celebrate the lap record obtained by the SUV on the German track of the Nurburgring.

For more details about the innovation that Alfa Romeo will bring during the Geneva Motor Show for the Stelvio range, we would like to point you out our article published yesterday. Keep following us in order to be advised about for all the news regarding the SUV of this Italian company.

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